Windows 10 ver 20H2 (Ent/Edu only)、ver 21H2、ver 22H2、Windows 11 ver 21H2 に 1 月のオプションの更新プログラム (2023-01 C) が出ています。オプションなので用が無ければ不要。Windows 11 ver 22H2、Windows Server 2022 はまだ。(→ ”After November 22, 2022, there are no
more optional, non-security preview releases for Windows Server 2022.
Only cumulative monthly security updates (known as the "B" or Update
Tuesday release) will continue for Windows Server 2022.” でした)
January 2023 Windows non-security preview release is available for some versions of Windows
January 19, 2023—KB5019274 (OS Build 22000.1516) Preview
January 19, 2023—KB5019275 (OS Builds 19042.2546, 19044.2546, and 19045.2546) Preview
2023 年 3 月から、Windows 10 向けの C リリースは ver 22H2 のみに (IMPORTANT After March 2023, there are no more optional, non-security preview releases for the supported editions of Windows 10, version 20H2 and Windows 10, version 21H2. Only cumulative monthly security updates (known as the "B" or Update Tuesday release) will continue for these versions. Windows 10, version 22H2 will continue to receive security and optional releases.)
1/24 追記) .NETfx の C もあった。こっちは[更新プログラムのチェック]のクリックで (自動更新のサイクルでもきちゃう?) でダウンロード&インストールが始まっちゃうのでご注意あれ。
.NET Framework January 2023 Cumulative Update Preview