

本日の Office 2013/2010 (.msi) の更新情報(新元号関連パッチ)

Windows Update で今日は、Office 2013 (.msi)と Office 2010 (.msi)向けに、またまた新元号関連パッチ(とバグ修正)がきてるみたい。何も問題なければいいけど。特に Office 2010 は毎回のようにやらかしてるんで。

Office 2013 は KB4461550←新元号、KB4462135←これはSkypeのバグ修正、KB4461444、KB4462141←これはOutlookのバグ修正、KB4032252←新元号、KB3172473←新元号、Office 2010 は KB4462187KB4462172 とか?

2/7 追記:公式アナウンスはこちら February 2019 Non-Security Office Update Release(https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/office_sustained_engineering/2019/02/05/february-2019-non-security-office-update-release/

Latest updates for versions of Office that use Windows Installer (MSI)

ところで、先月末から Windows Update や Microsoft Store に接続できない人がいたみたい。うちでは遭遇することはありませんでしたが、公式情報がこちら↓(だけ?)にひっそりと。

Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019 update history
February 4, 2019 9:45 PM PST

“The Windows Update service was impacted by a data corruption issue in an external DNS service provider global outage on January 29, 2019. The issue was resolved on the same day and Windows Update is now operating normally, but a few customers have continued to report issues connecting to the Windows Update service. We expect these issues will go away as downstream DNS servers are updated with the corrected Windows Update DNS entries.”
↑ だそうです。



Azure でも DNS に起因するネットワーク問題があったみたい。私も 1/29 or 30 朝だったか、Azure Portal になかなか接続できなかったように記憶。

Azure の状態の履歴
"1/29    RCA - Network Infrastructure Event
Root Cause: An external DNS service provider experienced a global outage after rolling out a software update which exposed a data corruption issue in their primary servers and affected their secondary servers, impacting network traffic. A subset of Azure services,..."

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