

Windows 10 の最大 CPU/メモリの変更(訂正あり)

Windows 10の最大構成(プロセッサとメモリ)が、Fall Creators Update(バージョン1709)からちょっと変わりました。

Windows Internals, Part 1』のおまけツール(slpolicy.exe)を使って色々調べていて(→)、Windows 10 Enterprise は 2ソケット/2TB が最大のはずなのに、4ソケット/6TBまで対応してると出て、おっかしいなぁと思っていたら、Windows 10 Pro for Workstations の登場に合わせて、Eneterprise エディション(たぶん Education にも)にも Windows 10 Pro for Workstations のスケールと機能が入ったということでした。

Windows 10 Pro for Workstations: Power through advanced workloads
[URL] https://blogs.windows.com/business/2017/12/15/windows-10-pro-workstations-power-advanced-workloads/
"We’ve also rolled the workstation capabilities into Windows 10 Enterprise (see diagram below)."
以下のページにはまだ反映されていません。(※ 2019/9/30 追記:2018/05/31 に更新されたみたいです。Education は変わらず。)

Memory Limits for Windows and Windows Server Releases
[URL] https://msdn.microsoft.com/ja-jp/library/windows/desktop/aa366778(v=vs.85).aspx


※ Windows 10 S は想像です(ver 1709 までの S エディションは Pro 相当なのでこれでいいはず)。(※2019/9/30 追記:ver 1803 以降の S モードは、ベースになっているエディションの x86 or x64 に従うはず。)
※ 論理コア数はすべて最大 256 らしいっす。
※ Pro for Workstations の x86って意味なくね?って思うかもしれませんが、ReFS とか SMB Direct とか Pro との機能差がありますんで。


Windows 10 Enterprise ver 1709 評価版:
 Maximum allowed processor sockets: 4
 Maximum memory allowed in MB (x86): 4096
 Maximum memory allowed in MB (x64): 6291456
 Maximum memory allowed in MB (ARM): 4096
 Maximum memory allowed in MB (ARM64): 6291456
 Maximum physical page in bytes: 4096
 Device Family ID: 3
 Native VHD boot: Yes
 Dynamic Partitioning supported: No
 Virtual Dynamic Partitioning supported: No
 Memory Mirroring supported: No
 Persist defective memory list: No
 Product info: 72

Windows 10 Pro ver 1709:
 Maximum allowed processor sockets: 2
 Maximum memory allowed in MB (x86): 4096
 Maximum memory allowed in MB (x64): 2097152
 Maximum memory allowed in MB (ARM): 4096
 Maximum memory allowed in MB (ARM64): 2097152
 Maximum physical page in bytes: 4096
 Device Family ID: 3
 Native VHD boot: Yes
 Dynamic Partitioning supported: No
 Virtual Dynamic Partitioning supported: No
 Memory Mirroring supported: No
 Persist defective memory list: No
 Product info: 48

Windows 10 Home ver 1709:
 Maximum allowed processor sockets: 1
 Maximum memory allowed in MB (x86): 4096
 Maximum memory allowed in MB (x64): 131072
 Maximum memory allowed in MB (ARM): 4096
 Maximum memory allowed in MB (ARM64): 131072
 Maximum physical page in bytes: 4096
 Device Family ID: 3
 Native VHD boot: No
 Dynamic Partitioning supported: No
 Virtual Dynamic Partitioning supported: No
 Memory Mirroring supported: No
 Persist defective memory list: No
 Product info: 101

Windows 10 Pro for Workstations ver 1709(SKU 161):
 Maximum allowed processor sockets: 4
 Maximum memory allowed in MB (x86): 4096
 Maximum memory allowed in MB (x64): 6291456
 Maximum memory allowed in MB (ARM): 4096
 Maximum memory allowed in MB (ARM64): 6291456
 Maximum physical page in bytes: 4096
 Device Family ID: 3
 Native VHD boot: Yes
 Dynamic Partitioning supported: No
 Virtual Dynamic Partitioning supported: No
 Memory Mirroring supported: No
 Persist defective memory list: No
 Product info: 161

Windows 10 Enterprise ver 1703 評価版:
 Maximum allowed processor sockets: 2
 Maximum memory allowed in MB (x86): 4096
 Maximum memory allowed in MB (x64): 2097152
 Maximum memory allowed in MB (ARM): 4096
 Maximum memory allowed in MB (ARM64): 2097152
 Maximum physical page in bytes: 4096
 Device Family ID: 3
 Native VHD boot: Yes
 Dynamic Partitioning supported: No
 Virtual Dynamic Partitioning supported: No
 Memory Mirroring supported: No
 Persist defective memory list: No
 Product info: 72

Windows 10 Pro ver 1703:
 Maximum allowed processor sockets: 2
 Maximum memory allowed in MB (x86): 4096
 Maximum memory allowed in MB (x64): 2097152
 Maximum memory allowed in MB (ARM): 4096
 Maximum memory allowed in MB (ARM64): 2097152
 Maximum physical page in bytes: 4096
 Device Family ID: 3
 Native VHD boot: Yes
 Dynamic Partitioning supported: No
 Virtual Dynamic Partitioning supported: No
 Memory Mirroring supported: No
 Persist defective memory list: No
 Product info: 48

2019/9/30 追記) Windows 10 Education x64 は 2CPU、2TB のまま変わらず。

Windows 10 Education ver 1903:
 Maximum allowed processor sockets: 2
 Maximum memory allowed in MB (x86): 4096
 Maximum memory allowed in MB (x64): 2097152
 Maximum memory allowed in MB (ARM): 4096
 Maximum memory allowed in MB (ARM64): 2097152
 Maximum physical page in bytes: 4096
 Device Family ID: 3
 Native VHD boot: Yes
 Dynamic Partitioning supported: No
 Virtual Dynamic Partitioning supported: No
 Memory Mirroring supported: No
 Persist defective memory list: No
 Product info: 121

Convert Windows 10 "Pro" to "Pro for Workstations"

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