Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 以前の Hyper-V:
About Virtual Machines and Guest Operating Systems (January 4, 2013)
Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V および Windows 8 Hyper-V:
Hyper-V Overview > Software requirements (for supported guest operating systems) (January 4, 2013)
両方に、サポート対象 OS に対するサポートの提供方法の Note (以下) が追加されたのが変更差分だと思います。それ以外の違いには気が付きませんでした。
Microsoft provides support for the operating systems listed in the tables below in the following manner:
Issues found in Microsoft operating systems and in integration services are supported by Microsoft support.
For issues found in other operating systems, Microsoft submits the issue to the multi-vendor support community, TSANet.
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